
Balancing Your Household & Your Home-Based Business

by Jessica Morse, IT WORKS! Independent Distributor

By Sponsored Content September 25, 2014
As part of the Macaroni Kid EBC Work from Home Series, several of the participating Independent Consultants will be sharing their expertise on how they run a successful work from home business. They will be sharing their tried and true tips and techniques with our readers.

Balancing Your Household & Your Home-Based Business

So you’re ready to take the leap into a home-based business, Congratulations! It won’t be easy but the rewards are bountiful and I know you’ve weighed the options so you’re making the right choice! There is millions of stay-at-home moms doing the same thing across the country and as there is no handbook to motherhood, there is no one size fits all answer of how to integrate your business into your naturally hectic life. I have stayed at home for five short years but I’ve picked up some tips that have worked for us, and maybe you’ll find some relief and ultimately success in the midst of them.

The first thing is finding what you love! Your faith and family ultimately come first but make sure you are working something you can be passionate about! You will not succeed if you are not personally invested with more than just time and money, your endeavor must have a piece of your heart or it will lose priority over everything else in your life that does.

Second is understanding that home-based businesses can be complicated in that if not managed correctly they can be a leach in your home, sucking the life out of everything. Don’t run yet! You can prevent this by clearly defined goals. Where are you going with your business, is it just another hobby or are you charting for true success? Is it freedom, friendships and fun you seek? Do you have a monthly amount you are looking to earn or a certain item on your dream board you are trying to obtain? Whatever it is, name it, claim it and have your goal in sight every day so you know what you’re working toward. 

Third, create structure in your day so that there are clear expectations in your home for when you need to work and when your all-serving mommy hat is being worn. This will not only save your sanity but it will really benefit your kids and spouse in creating healthy boundaries for what you need to succeed. This may look like; no one in Mommy’s office during the week or we have an hour long quiet time in the afternoon for Mom to make her calls and follow-ups, or a trade-off that Mom can make it to every extra-curricular activity this week but next week she has 3 training events or opportunity meetings. Whatever it is in your family, just define it! Your family is more likely to get on board if they know what is to be expected.

Fourth, while establishing structure is crucial to finding clarity, also integrate your home-based business into your daily routine. After all this is why you chose to stay at home instead of working 40+ hours a week for someone else. You desired that freedom, and you have it! So use it to your advantage! I have blitz cards for my business that I take to every single store with me, hand them to people passing me by or leave them on business bulletins, at check stands, heck even public bathrooms. I take my business with me if I go to the park or the museum or anywhere else. This is not a 9-5 you get to pick up and put down, so find ways that work for you to work it simultaneously in with your daily duties. I know my business will not grow if I am not growing it, and so networking and building relationships is a vital part to that. We are already doing this every day, just direct it with more focus now!

Fifth, final and most importantly…do not let your “Why” become your excuse. I started my It Works! Wrap business to give my family financial freedom, to be able to stay home with my boys, to help supplement my husband’s income he works so hard to earn, to be able to help others and be able to leave a legacy. These are the things that motivate me and I need to remind myself of that most days of the week.  You need to do the same in reminding yourself of your goals, your motivations, your “Why”; because it’s’ not always going to look as pretty as it does on paper. Let’s face it! You’re a mom and you’re going to get tired, worn-down, exhausted, over-worked, and under-appreciated through every single one of those reasons. That is your first job! But do not let that deter or distract from why you started all of this! Push through this because it’s the goop in your hair and the mud on your shorts and the food on your shirt that those kids so graciously put all over you and it’s those beaming little faces that made you want more for them to begin with. So pull through it momma and leave the excuses for someone else because you don’t have time for that!

The best way to balance is to correctly assess what it is you’re holding, organize your priorities to fit your goals and give them all you’ve got. Hold onto the reason why you started this and don’t stop running with it until you’ve reached your final destination!

Jessica Morse is an Independant Consultant for IT WORKS! For more information on becoming an Independent Consultant for or are interested in learning more about the products of  IT WORKS! visit This is a sponsored article paid for and submitted by Jessica Morse, Independent Consultant of IT WORKS!


Other "From the Expert" Articles as part of our Work from Home Series:
I'm Not a Salesperson" - How I find Customers
Wellness at Work: Stress Management for working moms and SAHM's (stay at home)