
Work from Home Series: "I'm NOT a Salesperson!"

How I find Customers

By Sponsored Content by Colleen Wilkinson of Juice Plus+ September 11, 2014
As part of the Macaroni Kid EBC Work from Home Series, several of the participating Independent Consultants will be sharing their expertise on how they run a successful work from home business. They will be sharing their tried and true tips and techniques with our readers.

I was taking a little time off from the corporate world to focus more on my kids when several family health challenges came up.  While studying ways to help my family naturally through improved nutrition, a new passion came into my life!  When a friend told me about Juice Plus+ (concentrated fruits & veggies in a capsule or gummy, whole food shakes & bars), I was sold, as I knew my family did not eat enough produce everyday.

My family loved Juice Plus+,  and I became a representative for the company to save some money, BUT I did not consider myself a “salesperson”.  However, as my family’s health dramatically improved, I naturally shared what I was doing with other families.  It’s just like sharing a favorite restaurant or movie with your friends.  If you truly love what are you are sharing and want to help others, that’s all that matters.  Everyday I was having conversations with friends, and inevitably some health or food challenge would come up, and I could share what my family was doing.  I simply offered information to those that wanted to learn more and soon realized that this passion was becoming a profitable business!

I realized I could share my business as I lived life.  The key is to be active (easy when you have kids), join various organizations, and be out in the world meeting people on a regular basis. Some ways to meet new people can be:
  • Joining a club; MOPS, play group, or the PTA
  • Find time to volunteer
  • Learn a new sport or get your kids into sports (I learned to play tennis & meet lots of new people on the courts)
  • Talk with people wherever you shop - give them the opportunity to do business with you! 
  • Join a networking group or the local Chamber of Commerce to meet other business people that you can lock arms with
  • Offer to have a booth at community events, farmer’s markets or holiday fairs
  • Have get-togethers at your home, coffee shop, or at a local park  
  • I was very resistant to “home parties” in the beginning, but have done a few over the years. 
  • Host or attend health education events. 
  • Social media – use Facebook to identify interested people, but then take the conversation offline & personal.
Most importantly, have one-on-one conversations and ask questions. Get to know people, build relationships, and see if they have a need for what you have to offer.  Some do, some don’t, and that’s just fine.  I never pressure anyone, but it is important to remember to follow-up with those that do request additional information.  

After 13 years of having my own business, I absolutely love it and cannot imagine going back to the corporate world.  I love my team, and my income has far surpassed what I thought possible in the beginning.  Kids grow up way too fast, and I’m so glad I made my family the priority and built my business around them!

The Author of the above article, Colleen Wilkinson is an Independent Representative of Juice Plus+. For more information on Juice Plus+ products or becoming an Independent Representative contact Colleen Wilkinson. This is a sponsored article paid for and submitted by Colleen Wilkinson, Independent Consultant of Juice Plus+.