
Creative Solutions: Bandanas Take the Place of Paper Towels & Napkins

This household item can be reused endlessly, saving money and waste!

By Julie Dikken, Publisher of and October 1, 2020

Reducing waste is a priority in our household. To help with that mission, over the years we have found ways to use a common household -- the cotton bandana -- in place of paper towels and napkins. They are easy to find, inexpensive, washable and super soft to use. Follow the tips below to create your own grab and go holder for reusable paper towels and napkins.

Why Cotton Bandanas?

Bandanas are easy to find. I've purchased them at a local craft store for under $1 per bandana. We've even received some as swag from different events we've attended. They come in a variety of colors, so you can keep with your home's decor, use themed patterns for holidays, or mix and match with the ones you have around the house. When purchasing, I'd recommend looking for 100% cotton for easy washing and soft fabric. 

Additional creative uses:

  • Wrap snacks to avoid crumby messes
  • Cover ice for boo-boos
  • A reusable wrapping paper
  • Keep in car for quick clean ups
  • Bandanas work great for makeup removal (darker colors are best for this)
  • Old bandanas with stains or holes make excellent cleaning rags (work really well on windows and mirrors)
  • The possible uses are endless!

Washing & Care

Bandanas are easy to care for. I just throw them in the laundry with our regular wash each week, once they have been washed a few times, there is no need to separate the colors. A huge plus, is the more you use and wash them, the softer they become. Always avoid using fabric softener to help keep the fabric absorbent for quick messes and spills. 

How to "Grab and Go"

Set your bandanas up for easy "grab and go" by following these instructions. 

  1. Fold each bandana in half and make a pile. 
  2. Loosely roll each bandana, slightly overlapping the next bandana as you start to roll a new one. 
  3. Once all bandanas are rolled together, you can place them in a large container like a canning jar or vase. 
  4. You can also slide your roll of bandanas onto a paper towel holder. 
  5. Keep a separate basket in the kitchen or laundry room to place dirty bandanas. On laundry day, throw them in with the wash!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Using bandanas in place of paper towels or paper napkins is a colorful, eco friendly option. They work well to clean up both wet and dry messes, are a soft option when wiping little faces, and add a pop of color to your dinner table. You can use the same bandanas endlessly (I've been using mine for years!) which helps to reduce waste, saving trees and money.

Want to see how we do it? Check out our quick video.