HURRY! The registration deadline is Friday, February 23 to get your kids onto the field for our fun spring soccer and flag football leagues for boys and girls at Conifer High School on Sunday afternoons from March 18 to May 20. Your kids will learn to pass, catch, run plays, and more in flag football, and dribble, trap, shoot, pass, and more from our awesome coaches. Your young player will especially learn to love the game of soccer, and have a blast playing flag football. Soccer ages are 3 to 12, while flag football ages are 4 to 13. As opposed to other high-stress programs, i9 Sports focuses on the FUN aspects to sports, not the crazy, win-at-all-costs mentality so prevalent today in youth sports. We believe that every kid deserves the chance to play, regardless of ability. We don’t hold tryouts or make cuts. We emphasize the positive aspects of sports and the life lessons they teach. Each week, coaches teach players a new Sportsmanship Value and award players a medal to the players that best exemplify that Value. i9 Sports believes in kid safety first. All of our coaches are background-checked and certified. We were also the first youth sports organization in the country to adopt an “if there’s any doubt, sit them out” concussion policy.
Here are some comments received from i9 Sports participants in Conifer:
"This is the first program that my son has been to in the Conifer/Evergreen area that has not been "cliqueish." He is meeting friends and having fun with i9 Sports. We are very pleased. Also, the coaches are great! He likes them a lot." – Diana R.
"Offering programs for small kids that are close to my home in Conifer." – Vicki R.
“It's a once per week activity, which is really manageable. Consistent times and goods communication. Mostly, it's really about creating a positive experience for the kids. They really enjoy the level of participation and encouragement they receive from the coaches.” – Simon B.
“My son is learning soccer, team work, communication and getting exercise. I think i9 Sports is a great resource for structured fun in an area where we don't have a lot of resources. I'm a proud soccer mom with a proud little man! We love i9 Sports!” – Marella C.
“All smiles and fun for our youngsters! Great teamwork and sportsmanship every weekend.” – Marc B.
Practices and games are conveniently held on the same day, and there is no fund-raising or volunteering required. Check out all of the details and register at or by calling 303-462-1520. Plus, like i9 Sports - Jeffco on Facebook for special deals.