Have you come across a painted rock with a message about kindness in a place you least expected it? If you haven't seen one yet, it's time to open your eyes and look at your surroundings, because painted rocks are beginning to pop up all over the Evergreen, Bailey, Conifer and surrounding communities. These rocks are Kindness Rocks, and the purpose is pretty simple...to spread kindness around our community. These rocks have been painted by kids, moms, dads, grandparents and all members of our community with one important message to be shared...Kindness.
We teach our kids to be kind through various lessons throughout their childhood. We know that the best way to instill a trait as important as kindness through the actions we as take each and every day. It really doesn't take much to be kind and it can make the world of difference to the people we touch.
I came across The Kindness Rocks Project from a colleague of mine who is part of a program PA. When I learned of what she was doing with her family and the members of her community, I immediately knew this was something the Evergreen, Bailey, Conifer and surrounding communities would embrace too. Not long after I took the program and ran with it, I was fortunate to be a part of a conference call with Megan Murphy the founder of The Kindness Rocks Project where she talked about the history of the project and her hopes and dreams for its future. I am thrilled that she has given us her blessing and encouragement to run with it in our community!
What is The Kindness Rocks Project?
It's quite simple really. We will be decorating river rocks and adding messages of kindness, then sealing them to protect from the elements and placing them in designated "Kindness Rocks" gardens throughout the community for others to find them. Rocks can also be given to friends, family members or anyone who could use a little love and kindness. Macaroni Kid will be hosting free Kindness Rocks painting events throughout the spring and summer at locations all over our community. Rocks will be labeled with #thekindnessrocksproject and our local #kindessrocksfoothills. Be sure to take pictures of rocks you have painted, rocks you find in and around the community, at events kindness rocks gardens and more. Post on social media using the hashtags so we can find them!
Be sure to add #KindnessRocksFoothills and #TheKindnessRocksProject to your rocks. You can track our community's progress and participation on social media!
Kindness Rocks the Foothills Parties - Join us for a rock painting party!
- 8/3/18 Kindness Rocks the Foothills @ Citywide Banks ~ Conifer
- More to come - stay tuned. Details will be updated as soon as we finalize them! Want to set up a Kindness Rocks event at your local business? Contact julie at julied@macaronikid.com for details!
The Kindness Rocks Foothills Gardens
- Aspen Park Village Shopping Center
- Citywide Banks in Evergreen
- Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce - Garden set up inside!
- Conifer Community Church
- Evergreen Parks & Rec District - Community Garden
- Evergreen Library
- Harmony Hills Academy
- Hearthfire Books & Treats - Garden set up out front!
- Intermountain Humane Society
- Kid Central
- Mad Jacks Mountain Brewery - Garden set up around patio!
- Moore Lumber Pine Junction
- Mountain Resource Center
- Rocky Mountain Academy Evergreen - Garden set up around school grounds!
- Twigs Children's Consignment
- Contact julied@macaronikid.com if you'd like your business to be added to the list!
We Need Help!
Kindness Rocks events will ALWAYS be free events for our community! We could use help in gathering supplies to get things started. Contact julied@macaronikid.com. Supplies needed:
- River rocks in various sizes - this is our biggest need!
- Spray sealer
- Paint pens
- Paint brushes
- Acrylic paints
- A HUGE thank you to our reader who brought supplies at our last event. We 💕 You!
Thank You to the Businesses Who Have Helped Us Get Started
- Moore Lumber - Donated several cans of spray paint
- Rocky Mountain Academy Evergreen - Donated money for supplies
- Harmony Hills Academy - Donated rocks
- Mountain Resource Center - Donated Rocks
- Evergreen Library - Donated Rocks