
Not All Lunch Boxes Are Created Equal

A Childrenโ€™s National Dental Health Month Special

By Sponsored content by Dr. Brie Hills, All Kids Dental February 26, 2015
Most parents in our area are quite health conscious and make good nutrition choices for our children.  We want to ensure proper growth and development and instill healthy eating habits.  But many parents don’t know that those choices are also important for good dental health and not all “healthy” foods are good for kid’s teeth.  With a little more information, we can pack lunches to best ensure whole body health.  

Cavities are caused by plaque on our teeth that secrete acid, making holes and allowing bacteria to enter the teeth.  They make this acid by eating whatever we eat and drink.  Making educated choices about what we give our kids to eat and drink can help prevent cavities.  First are the obvious cavity causers like candy, soda and juice.  Sometimes sugars can be hidden, but still have the same cavity effect.  For example, dried fruits tend to have highly concentrated natural sugars and are also sticky enough to get stuck in the deep pits and grooves of the back teeth- a double whammy for cavities.  

Another thing to think about is the availability of sugars.  Less processed foods tend to have more whole grains that start to break down into sugar in the stomach, rather than the mouth.  Processed foods tend to be easier to break down and the sugars become available more quickly, allowing the plaque on our teeth to start the cavity process.  One good rule of thumb is to look at the snack choice and ask yourself, “Would this go bad if I left it out for a week?”  Processed foods last much longer, but are worse for our teeth.  Natural foods will go bad, but are usually healthier choices.   

It is not only what we eat that causes cavities, but also how often we eat.  Each time we eat or drink, the pH  of our mouth drops, entering the “Acid Zone” where cavities happen.  It takes about an hour for that to get back up to a neutral pH.  So, imagine your child eats breakfast, then has some juice, snacks a little later, has some milk, then lunch, and so on.  This sipping and grazing behavior keeps the mouth in the “Acid Zone” all day, and these kids have more cavities.  

So what is the goal?  
•    Start with three balanced meals a day.  
•    Add one or two scheduled snacks a day.  
•    Pick good snack choices like fruit, vegetables, cheese or nuts.  
•    Avoid crackers, chips and other highly processed foods.  
•    Allow kids all the milk they’d like at meal and snack time.  
•    Limit juice to no more than 4 oz in a day, at mealtime only.  
•    Encourage active water drinking between meals and snacks.  

My favorite packed lunch for kids?  A turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, apple slices, carrot sticks, milk to drink, and yogurt for dessert.  It is nutritious and delicious!

Dr. Brie and D. Bob at All Kids Dental pride themselves on their dedication to cavity prevention.  Education is a large focus of the dental experience at All Kids Dental, with the goal of our patients graduating from the practice as cavity-free young adults who enjoy going to the dentist.  Call today at 303.670.KIDS (5437).  Or visit our website for more information at

This article was written and sponsored by All Kids Dental.