
Macaroni Review ~ Summer Infant 3D Flip Convenience Stroller

See what moms will be playing with at Baby Brunch!

By Sponsored Content February 12, 2015
Macaroni Kid Evergreen, Bailey and Conifer is excited to be hosting our first Baby Brunch on February 19th. This is the chance for Macaroni Kid to interact with moms, and expectant moms in our community and to share with them some really great baby products! One of my favorites is the 3D Flip Convenience Stroller from Summer Infant. All I can say is I wish I had one of these when my kids were babies!

Summer infant is all about providing parents with safe and innovative products that provide convenience and peace of mind. They hit their mark when designing the 3D Flip Convenience Stroller. The entertaining message on the inside of the box says it all "you're going to flip when you see it...." I really was amazed when I pulled it out of the box.

Summer Infant likes to say they "strive to delight moms and babies" well, moms will be pleased when they see how easy this stroller is to assemble - it took me just a little over 5 minutes from emptying the box to testing the stroll. Learning how to work it was even easier.

Moms are really going to enjoy how stroller grows with them. The younger babies can face mom, then as they grow and become more curious, the seat can easily be flipped to front facing. Pure genius!

The stroller has many other features that moms need when out for a stroll with baby. It has the 5-point safety harness, oversized canopy with a peek-a-boo window, rear storage (always a must) and a parent cup holder. The stroller is made of durable light weight aluminum, equipped with smooth glide anti shock front wheels (perfect for our mountain walks). It's design makes it easy to convert from front facing to rear facing, and it folds up in a snap.

I'm really looking forward to demonstrating the 3D Flip Convenience Stroller at Baby Brunch!  Even better will be giving it away to one lucky mom who attends!

This article was sponsored by Summer Infant. I received complimentary products for the purpose of this review.  As always, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my very own.