
Macaroni Craft: Artwork You Can Wear!

Custom t-shirts you can make at home

By Cecelia Gallo July 24, 2014
What child wouldn't be proud to wear their own creation on a piece of customized clothing? This is an easy technique to turn any t-shirt into a work of art!

Invite your child to draw an image with non-washable crayon directly onto a piece of medium grit sandpaper. Be sure to have them press down firmly so that the lines are thick and dark.

Lay out a white (or light-colored) shirt on the counter. Turn the masterpiece face down onto the shirt and iron it. Lift the paper carefully to see how well the transfer is going. The wax of the crayons will melt into your fabric, creating your image.

Once your picture is on your shirt, allow it it cool and wear with pride!

Words of advice: If writing words, this will have to be a time to put your backwards writing skills to test! Simple shapes and drawings work best.

One more note
: The shirt in the image has been washed over and over and the image is still there!